RTUE Online Disclaimer
Responding to utility emergencies is extremely dangerous. Many responders have died or sustained serious injury and illness while attempting to mitigate an incident. There is no possible way that this awareness program can cover the full spectrum of problems and contingencies for dealing with every type of emergency incident. The user is warned to exercise all necessary cautions when dealing with electricity and natural gas. Always assume a worst-case scenario and place personal safety first.
It is the author’s intent that this awareness program be a part of the user’s formal training in the management of utility emergencies where there is a presence of electricity and/or natural gas. Even though this awareness program is based on commonly used practices, references, laws, regulations, and consensus standards, it is not meant to set a standard of operations for any emergency response organization. Users are directed to develop their own Standard Operating Procedures that follow all system, agency, local utility company or employer guidelines for handling utility emergencies. It is the user’s sole responsibility to stay up to date with procedures, regulations, and product developments that may improve personal health and safety.
This website contains copyrighted materials that are protected under Chapter 4 of the United States Copyright Law and the Universal Copyright Convention. The text, art, photography and videos may not be reproduced, distributed, or sold without written permission. Certain text, art, photography and video that have been copyrighted by other organizations have been reproduced in this awareness program with permission from the owners.